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Florida Rules of the Road: Passing on 2-lane Roads

Being involved in an automobile accident can "wreck" your whole day. Possessing the knowledge and familiarizing yourself with the rules of the road may help you "steer clear" of such predicaments and avoid the need for our Jacksonville Accident Investigation Team! In the State of Florida, passing vehicles on a two-lane highway, such as

Jacksonville’s Most Dangerous Intersections

According to data released by the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office, there were 205 traffic fatalities in Jacksonville, Florida during 2020.  This is a shockingly high number given COVID-19 pandemic stay-at-home orders and the lack of travel by out of state drivers.  JSO was able to identify 25 intersections that were "highly dangerous" and the most

JSO Investigating Auto Accident Death on Merrill Road

Jacksonville Sheriff's Office: Early Thursday morning the passenger of a motor vehicle headed west on Merrill Road turned into the path of a Jeep being driven in the opposite direction near Hartsfield Road in Jacksonville, Florida.  The driver of the car was treated for minor injuries while the passenger passed away hours later from

Rental Car Reimbursement Coverage

Rental car reimbursement coverage helps pay for rental car costs you incur when your car's damages are covered by your comprehensive and collision car insurance coverage. For example, you may need to rent a car if your own car is being repaired for damages caused: In a car accident where you were at-fault. In

Emergency Medical Condition (EMC) & Florida PIP

What is an Emergency Medical Condition? EMC is the term for a medical condition manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity, which may include severe pain, such that the absence of immediate medical attention could result in serious jeopardy to the individual’s health, and/or serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part, and/or

The Florida PIP Law – 14 Day Rule

What is the 14 Day Rule?  The Florida Personal Injury Protection (PIP) law states, after a motor vehicle accident, individuals will have only 14 days to seek medical treatment. If two weeks goes by after the accident and treatment is not sought out, you will be denied coverage. Florida Statutes 627.736(1) (a) outlines the

What NOT to do after a car accident!

Let me first say that most people are honest, nice people. Unfortunately, being courteous and helpful after an accident can cause big problems for you. That might sound bad so let me explain. If you’ve ever been in an accident, you know your adrenaline is way up, a million thoughts are going through your

By |2024-09-19T18:29:44+00:00October 21st, 2015|Tags: , |
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