Personal Injury | Family Law | Criminal Law
“Preferred Attorney Referral Program”
During the past 12 years, McGrath Gibson has paid out over $2,000,000.00 through our personal injury attorney referral program to lawyers who have referred serious personal injury clients to our firm for experienced personal injury representation, family law representation and criminal law representation in Florida, Georgia and North Carolina. Our attorneys have extensive experience in dealing with major insurance companies and big business defendants. And our Managing Partner; Michael McGrath, has a background in insurance defense litigation. In conjunction with partner firms, we are able to provide assistance on injury and wrongful death cases throughout the United States.
We have the ability to maximize your injured client’s recovery, while providing you with a source of referral income and all it takes is a phone call to our offices. If you would like our team to review a personal injury case, contact us today at (904) 358-3300 or use the registration form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
With a statewide presence in Florida, we also have access to a myriad of client’s that have legal needs outside of the scope of our practice areas. In an effort to provide all clients with the best possible legal representation, we have launched the Preferred Attorney Referral Program, (PAR). By registering with PAR, you not only have access to our team of Personal Injury Attorneys to evaluate your referral case, but also a network of potential clients for the areas of law in which you practice. Simply complete the form below to become one of our preferred attorneys.
Thank you for your interest in McGRATH GIBSON LAW. We look forward to working with you.

Personal Injury | Family Law | Criminal Law
“Preferred Attorney Referral Program”

During the past 12 years, McGrath Gibson has paid out over $2,000,000.00 through our personal injury attorney referral program to lawyers who have referred serious personal injury clients to our firm for experienced personal injury representation, family law representation and criminal law representation in Florida, Georgia and North Carolina. Our attorneys have extensive experience in dealing with major insurance companies and big business defendants. And our Managing Partner; Michael McGrath, has a background in insurance defense litigation. In conjunction with partner firms, we are able to provide assistance on injury and wrongful death cases throughout the United States.
We have the ability to maximize your injured client’s recovery, while providing you with a source of referral income and all it takes is a phone call to our offices. If you would like our team to review a personal injury case, contact us today at (904) 358-3300 or use the registration form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
With a statewide presence in Florida, we also have access to a myriad of client’s that have legal needs outside of the scope of our practice areas. In an effort to provide all clients with the best possible legal representation, we have launched the Preferred Attorney Referral Program, (PAR). By registering with PAR, you not only have access to our team of Personal Injury Attorneys to evaluate your referral case, but also a network of potential clients for the areas of law in which you practice. Simply complete the form below to become one of our preferred attorneys.
Thank you for your interest in McGRATH GIBSON LAW. We look forward to working with you.
Personal Injury | Family Law | Criminal Law
“Preferred Attorney Referral Program”

During the past 12 years, McGrath Gibson has paid out over $2,000,000.00 through our personal injury attorney referral program to lawyers who have referred serious personal injury clients to our firm for experienced personal injury representation, family law representation and criminal law representation in Florida, Georgia and North Carolina. Our attorneys have extensive experience in dealing with major insurance companies and big business defendants. And our Managing Partner; Michael McGrath, has a background in insurance defense litigation. In conjunction with partner firms, we are able to provide assistance on injury and wrongful death cases throughout the United States.
We have the ability to maximize your injured client’s recovery, while providing you with a source of referral income and all it takes is a phone call to our offices. If you would like our team to review a personal injury case, contact us today at (904) 358-3300 or use the registration form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
With a statewide presence in Florida, we also have access to a myriad of client’s that have legal needs outside of the scope of our practice areas. In an effort to provide all clients with the best possible legal representation, we have launched the Preferred Attorney Referral Program, (PAR). By registering with PAR, you not only have access to our team of Personal Injury Attorneys to evaluate your referral case, but also a network of potential clients for the areas of law in which you practice. Simply complete the form below to become one of our preferred attorneys.
Thank you for your interest in McGRATH GIBSON LAW. We look forward to working with you.
Preferred Attorney Registration Form | Referring Attorney
Preferred Attorney Registration Form | Referring Attorney
The Jacksonville personal injury attorneys, family law attorneys and criminal defense attorneys of McGRATH GIBSON LAW are licensed to practice in the states of Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina. Additionally, we represent the injured throughout the United States pro hoc vice, and with the help of local counsel. While we strive to personally handle all types of personal injury and wrongful death claims there are occasions where cases may be referred to another lawyer.
We also support our veterans by proudly providing representation for Military Veterans and the Men and Women who currently serve in our armed forces at the Mayport Naval Station, Naval Air Station of Jacksonville, Camp Blanding, United States Army, Army Reserve, United States Marines, Florida National Guard, Air National Guard, United States Coast Guard, Air Force, and Air Force Reserve. McGRATH GIBSON LAW family law attorneys offer representation in the areas of Family Law, Divorce, Alimony, Child Custody and Child Support throughout Florida. Representation for Military Divorce handled throughout the United States and U.S. Territories independently or with local counsel where required.
The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. This website is not intended to be an advertisement or solicitation. Material contained in the McGRATH GIBSON LAW website is for general information only and does not constitute legal advice or solicitation of legal services. Transmission of information from this website is not intended to create, and its receipt does not constitute an attorney-client relationship between the law firm of McGRATH GIBSON LAW and the reader. In the event that any information on this website does not conform fully with regulations in any jurisdiction, this law firm will not accept representation based on that information.
Information contained herein is the exclusive property of McGRATH GIBSON LAW and may not be copied, reproduced retransmitted or otherwise utilized for any purpose without the express written consent of McGRATH GIBSON LAW.
The Jacksonville personal injury attorneys, family law attorneys and criminal defense attorneys of McGRATH GIBSON are licensed to practice in the states of Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina. Additionally, we represent the injured throughout the United States pro hoc vice, and with the help of local counsel. While we strive to personally handle all types of personal injury and wrongful death claims there are occasions where cases may be referred to another lawyer.
We also support our veterans by proudly providing representation for Military Veterans and the Men and Women who currently serve in our armed forces at the Mayport Naval Station, Naval Air Station of Jacksonville, Camp Blanding, United States Army, Army Reserve, United States Marines, Florida National Guard, Air National Guard, United States Coast Guard, Air Force, and Air Force Reserve. McGRATH GIBSON family law attorneys offer representation in the areas of Family Law, Divorce, Alimony, Child Custody and Child Support throughout Florida. Representation for Military Divorce handled throughout the United States and U.S. Territories independently or with local counsel where required.
The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. This website is not intended to be an advertisement or solicitation. Material contained in the McGRATH GIBSON website is for general information only and does not constitute legal advice or solicitation of legal services. Transmission of information from this website is not intended to create, and its receipt does not constitute an attorney-client relationship between the law firm of McGRATH GIBSON and the reader. In the event that any information on this website does not conform fully with regulations in any jurisdiction, this law firm will not accept representation based on that information.
Information contained herein is the exclusive property of McGRATH GIBSON and may not be copied, reproduced retransmitted or otherwise utilized for any purpose without the express written consent of McGRATH GIBSON.
(904) 358-3300
Calls Answered 24 Hours a Day, Every Day.
Office: M-F 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Main Office:
6117 Atlantic Boulevard
Jacksonville, FL 32211