DUI Arrest? Our Jacksonville DUI Defense Team can help!
The consequences of driving under the influence are serious. While every state has laws that prohibit drunk driving, various terms are used to describe the offense. “Driving under the influence” (DUI) is probably the most common. But many states also use the terms “driving while impaired” (DWI), “operating under the influence” (OUI), and “operating while intoxicated” (OWI).
All states have two types of DUI: DUI “per se” and DUI based on impairment. The difference between the two is how the prosecution proves you were “under the influence.” To be convicted of a per se Florida DUI, the prosecution must prove you drove with an amount of alcohol or drugs in your system that exceeded the legal limit. In Florida, it is illegal to drive with a .08% BAC (blood alcohol content) or higher if you are over 21 years old. If you are under 21, the legal BAC drops to .02%, thanks to Florida’s zero tolerance policy (Florida DUI Statute) Impairment DUIs, on the other hand, only require proof that the driver’s mental or physical abilities were affected by the drugs or alcohol ingested.
Do I need an Attorney?
Trying to handle your DUI case without an attorney is next to impossible. The Arresting Officer and State Prosecutor have only one goal, seeing you convicted of the crime or forcing a guilty plea and accepting civil and criminal DUI penalties. A DUI criminal conviction carries serious consequences. Even a first conviction can lead to jail time, expensive fines, and a lengthy license suspension. Additionally, you will face escalated insurance rates once your driving privileges are reinstated. Aggravating factors — like prior convictions, a high blood alcohol concentration (BAC), or an accident — can increase the already-severe penalties. Once convicted, the offense remains on your criminal record forever.
How can an Attorney help me if I was driving impaired?
DUI law is complicated and constantly changing. It is very easy to get tripped up in the legal nuances or misinterpret the law altogether. Hiring an experienced Jacksonville DUI Attorney who focuses on and stays abreast of recent changes in Florida DUI law will greatly increase the chances of a good outcome. Regardless of the facts of your case, the State is required to prove the charges beyond reasonable doubt. This means there are numerous evidentiary procedures they must follow under due processes. Once charged, the burden is on the State of Florida to prove you are guilty. Hire an experienced Florida DUI Attorney to protect your legal rights.
If you are arrested for a DUI in Jacksonville, remember the following:
1. Remain Silent. This Constitutionally Protected Right ensures an individual does not self-incriminate when confronted by an investigating police officer. At a DUI Traffic Stop this means the following:
Request that any interrogation or police questioning take place with a lawyer present. Follow all the officers instructions, but under no circumstances subject yourself to questioning without your attorney.
2. Hire a Lawyer. Reach out to an experienced Jacksonville Criminal Law Attorney to protect your legal rights immediately!
Civil Penalties for a DUI in Florida can mean a fine ranging from $500 to $1000. Additionally, the criminal conviction can come with a sentence of up to six months in jail and suspension of your driver’s license for 6-12 months. Ignition interlock devices installed on all of your owned vehicles can also be mandated, meaning you will have a pay a monthly cost to rent the device. Avoid these costly and life-changing consequences by choosing a law firm with the experience and resources to defend your legal rights.
Arrested for Driving Under the Influence in Florida? Our Criminal Defense Team is available 24 hours a day for a free consultation at (904) 358-3300
Attorney Ronald Roberts Jr.
Lead Criminal Law Attorney