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Today, we all expect the foods we prepare at home and the foods that are prepared for us when we dine out to be safe for us to eat. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. There have been many cases of food poisoning caused by large scale food preparation facilities, restaurants and others who prepare and serve food.

Food poisoning is defined as an illness caused by consuming food infected with bacteria, viruses, or parasites. If you believe that you suffered a serious illness due to food poisoning, it may be necessary for you to have testing or lab work done. Our food poisoning attorneys in Jacksonville can explain everything you need to know and the evidence that will be necessary in order for us to prove your claim.

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  • Speak with an attorney, not a legal assistant.

  • Our consultations are free. NO out-of-pocket cost to you or your family.

  • NO legal fees unless we win.


Today, we all expect the foods we prepare at home and the foods that are prepared for us when we dine out to be safe for us to eat. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. There have been many cases of food poisoning caused by large scale food preparation facilities, restaurants and others who prepare and serve food.

Food poisoning is defined as an illness caused by consuming food infected with bacteria, viruses, or parasites. If you believe that you suffered a serious illness due to food poisoning, it may be necessary for you to have testing or lab work done. Our food poisoning attorneys in Jacksonville can explain everything you need to know and the evidence that will be necessary in order for us to prove your claim.

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Free Consultations | NO Upfront Fees

  • Speak with an attorney, not a legal assistant.

  • Our consultations are free. NO out-of-pocket cost to you or your family.

  • NO legal fees unless we win.


Today, we all expect the foods we prepare at home and the foods that are prepared for us when we dine out to be safe for us to eat. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. There have been many cases of food poisoning caused by large scale food preparation facilities, restaurants and others who prepare and serve food.

Food poisoning is defined as an illness caused by consuming food infected with bacteria, viruses, or parasites. If you believe that you suffered a serious illness due to food poisoning, it may be necessary for you to have testing or lab work done. Our food poisoning attorneys in Jacksonville can explain everything you need to know and the evidence that will be necessary in order for us to prove your claim.

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Free Consultations | NO Upfront Fees

  • Speak with an attorney, not a legal assistant.

  • Our consultations are free. NO out-of-pocket cost to you or your family.

  • NO legal fees unless we win.




Experiencing food poisoning is never good. It can lead to days of discomfort, pain and in some instances even death. And those who cause food poisoning must be held accountable so that others are not poisoned. Our food poisoning attorneys in Jacksonville have extensive knowledge about the different types of food poisoning and the steps that must be taken to prove where and how food poisoning occurred. One very important step is to identify the food that caused the poisoning and what bacteria, virus, or parasite the food was infected with. The following information may help you identify what food likely caused your illness.


Listeria Bacteria

Listeria bacteria does not have the name recognition that some of the other foodborne bacteria’s have but it can result in serious illness of you become infected with it. According to the CDC, approximately 1,600 people in the U.S. become infected with listeriosis each year and of those, about 260 die as a result of the infection.

Some of the most common foodborne sources of listeria bacteria are cold cooked sliced meats and cured meats, smoked and cured fish, cooked shellfish, pre-prepared sandwiches and salads, pre-cut fruit and unpasteurized milk. The symptoms of a listeria infection can include fever, muscle aches, headache, stiff neck, confusion, loss of balance, and convulsions.

Salmonella Bacteria

Salmonella bacteria is one of the leading causes of bacterial foodborne illnesses. According to the USDA, foodborne salmonella infections resulted in $3.7 billion in medical costs and lost wages each year. According to the CDC the most common foodborne sources of salmonella are raw or undercooked poultry and meat products, raw or undercooked eggs and egg products, and raw or unpasteurized milk and dairy products. The symptoms of a salmonella infection vary by person but most develop a fever, stomach cramps and diarrhea within 8 to 72 hours of exposure. Healthy people generally recover completely within a few days to a week.

E. coli Bacteria

Most people automatically think of E. coli as bad because the only time we ever hear about it is when there is a major recall of foods or a large number people that were victims of an E. coli foodborne illness. The fact is, most E. coli bacteria are a part of a healthy intestinal track. But there are some E. coli bacteria that cause diarrhea, urinary tract infections, respiratory illnesses and blood infections. The bad types of E. coli are spread through food, primarily ground beef, water and contact with infected animals and people.



Norovirus is responsible for causing about half of all foodborne illness in the U.S. And most outbreaks of Norovirus are caused by people who touch or prepare food for other people when they are infected. It can also be transmitted by food that comes from contaminated water. Norovirus spreads easily because it is very tiny and can be airborne. And it only takes a very small amount of the virus to contaminate food and make someone sick. Foodborne norovirus is most commonly contracted from leafy greens such as lettuce, fresh fruits and shellfish such as oysters. Symptoms of Norovirus can include diarrhea, vomiting and stomach pain because the virus causes gastroenteritis; swelling for the stomach and intestines.


Rotavirus exists in all regions of the world in all types of environments. Foodborne rotavirus infections while rare, primarily come from foods that were contaminated by infected food handlers. It is most commonly contracted from shellfish, salads and ice. Symptoms of a rotavirus infection are watery diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting and fever, often leading to severe dehydration, and generally last 3 to 8 days.


Food Poisoning Attorneys in Jacksonville


Experiencing food poisoning is never good. It can lead to days of discomfort, pain and in some instances even death. And those who cause food poisoning must be held accountable so that others are not poisoned. Our food poisoning attorneys in Jacksonville have extensive knowledge about the different types of food poisoning and the steps that must be taken to prove where and how food poisoning occurred. One very important step is to identify the food that caused the poisoning and what bacteria, virus, or parasite the food was infected with. The following information may help you identify what food likely caused your illness.


Listeria Bacteria

Listeria bacteria does not have the name recognition that some of the other foodborne bacteria’s have but it can result in serious illness of you become infected with it. According to the CDC, approximately 1,600 people in the U.S. become infected with listeriosis each year and of those, about 260 die as a result of the infection.

Some of the most common foodborne sources of listeria bacteria are cold cooked sliced meats and cured meats, smoked and cured fish, cooked shellfish, pre-prepared sandwiches and salads, pre-cut fruit and unpasteurized milk. The symptoms of a listeria infection can include fever, muscle aches, headache, stiff neck, confusion, loss of balance, and convulsions.

Salmonella Bacteria

Salmonella bacteria is one of the leading causes of bacterial foodborne illnesses. According to the USDA, foodborne salmonella infections resulted in $3.7 billion in medical costs and lost wages each year. According to the CDC the most common foodborne sources of salmonella are raw or undercooked poultry and meat products, raw or undercooked eggs and egg products, and raw or unpasteurized milk and dairy products. The symptoms of a salmonella infection vary by person but most develop a fever, stomach cramps and diarrhea within 8 to 72 hours of exposure. Healthy people generally recover completely within a few days to a week.

E. coli Bacteria

Most people automatically think of E. coli as bad because the only time we ever hear about it is when there is a major recall of foods or a large number people that were victims of an E. coli foodborne illness. The fact is, most E. coli bacteria are a part of a healthy intestinal track. But there are some E. coli bacteria that cause diarrhea, urinary tract infections, respiratory illnesses and blood infections. The bad types of E. coli are spread through food, primarily ground beef, water and contact with infected animals and people.



Norovirus is responsible for causing about half of all foodborne illness in the U.S. And most outbreaks of Norovirus are caused by people who touch or prepare food for other people when they are infected. It can also be transmitted by food that comes from contaminated water. Norovirus spreads easily because it is very tiny and can be airborne. And it only takes a very small amount of the virus to contaminate food and make someone sick. Foodborne norovirus is most commonly contracted from leafy greens such as lettuce, fresh fruits and shellfish such as oysters. Symptoms of Norovirus can include diarrhea, vomiting and stomach pain because the virus causes gastroenteritis; swelling for the stomach and intestines.


Rotavirus exists in all regions of the world in all types of environments. Foodborne rotavirus infections while rare, primarily come from foods that were contaminated by infected food handlers. It is most commonly contracted from shellfish, salads and ice. Symptoms of a rotavirus infection are watery diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting and fever, often leading to severe dehydration, and generally last 3 to 8 days.

Food Poisoning Attorneys in Jacksonville FL


In cases of suspected food poisoning, our food poisoning attorneys in Jacksonville will explain how proving your claim is generally the most difficult aspect of a food poisoning claim. In order to win a food poisoning lawsuit against a food manufacturer, supplier, restaurant or others who prepare and serve food, you will have to prove two points:

  • The food you consumed was contaminated
  • The contaminated food that you consumed made you sick

If you believe the food you consumed was contaminated, our food poisoning attorneys in Jacksonville will have to pinpoint the particular food product that made you sick. If there is a time delay, (which is quite common) between eating the contaminated food and experiencing symptoms of food poisoning. It may be difficult to determine what food made you sick, unless many others were also made ill by eating the same food product.

Proving a link between the food you ate and contamination is easiest in cases where a government health agency steps in and traces a case of food poisoning back to a particular source. Scientific testing of the food that made you sick to determine the particular type of bacteria, viruses, or parasites that were present in the contaminated food can be critically important because it can provide solid evidence linking the contaminated product to your illness.

If you believe the contaminated food that you consumed made you sick, It will be important to prove this. The best way to do this is to have a stool sample scientifically tested for food poisoning. If you can show that your stool sample contained the same bacteria, viruses, or parasites that were found in the contaminated food you consumed, this evidence will greatly strengthen your claim. Depending on the circumstances, our food poisoning attorneys in Jacksonville may also be able to make other legal arguments about your claim.


Food Poisoning Attorneys in Jacksonville FL

In cases of suspected food poisoning, our food poisoning attorneys in Jacksonville will explain how proving your claim is generally the most difficult aspect of a food poisoning claim. In order to win a food poisoning lawsuit against a food manufacturer, supplier, restaurant or others who prepare and serve food, you will have to prove two points:

  • The food you consumed was contaminated
  • The contaminated food that you consumed made you sick

If you believe the food you consumed was contaminated, our food poisoning attorneys in Jacksonville will have to pinpoint the particular food product that made you sick. If there is a time delay, (which is quite common) between eating the contaminated food and experiencing symptoms of food poisoning. It may be difficult to determine specifically what food made you sick, unless many others were also made ill by eating the same food product.

Proving a link between the food you ate and contamination is easiest in cases where a government health agency steps in and traces a case of food poisoning back to a particular source. Scientific testing of the food that made you sick to determine the particular type of bacteria, viruses, or parasites that were present in the contaminated food can be critically important because it can provide solid evidence linking the contaminated product to your illness.

If you believe the contaminated food that you consumed made you sick, It will be important to prove this. The best way to do this is to have a stool sample scientifically tested for food poisoning. If you can show that your stool sample contained the same bacteria, viruses, or parasites that were found in the contaminated food you consumed, this evidence will greatly strengthen your claim. Depending on the circumstances, food poisoning attorneys in Jacksonville may also be able to make other legal arguments about your claim.


Food Poisoning Attorneys in Jacksonville FL

In cases of suspected food poisoning, our food poisoning attorneys in Jacksonville will explain how proving your claim is generally the most difficult aspect of a food poisoning claim. In order to win a food poisoning lawsuit against a food manufacturer, supplier, restaurant or others who prepare and serve food, you will have to prove two points:

  • The food you consumed was contaminated
  • The contaminated food that you consumed made you sick

If you believe the food you consumed was contaminated, our food poisoning attorneys in Jacksonville will have to pinpoint the particular food product that made you sick. If there is a time delay, (which is quite common) between eating the contaminated food and experiencing symptoms of food poisoning. It may be difficult to determine specifically what food made you sick, unless many others were also made ill by eating the same food product.

Proving a link between the food you ate and contamination is easiest in cases where a government health agency steps in and traces a case of food poisoning back to a particular source. Scientific testing of the food that made you sick to determine the particular type of bacteria, viruses, or parasites that were present in the contaminated food can be critically important because it can provide solid evidence linking the contaminated product to your illness.

If you believe the contaminated food that you consumed made you sick, It will be important to prove this. The best way to do this is to have a stool sample scientifically tested for food poisoning. If you can show that your stool sample contained the same bacteria, viruses, or parasites that were found in the contaminated food you consumed, this evidence will greatly strengthen your claim. Depending on the circumstances, our food poisoning attorneys may also be able to make other legal arguments about your claim.


There are many aspects to the laws that were created to protect consumers from food poisoning. And many of these laws require certain actions on the part of the those who believe that they have suffered from food poisoning. It is important to understand that our food poisoning attorneys in Jacksonville must file a food poisoning lawsuit within a certain period of time. If we do not file your lawsuit within the timeframe stated in the statute of limitations, the court will not hear your case regardless of how strong your claims are.

Our food poisoning attorneys in Jacksonville are very familiar with these laws and will guide you through the important steps you must take to prove your case and hold those responsible for your illness accountable. Contact us as soon as possible to review your case. Our initial consultations and representation require no out of pocket costs to you. We only get paid if we win your case.


There are many aspects to the laws that were created to protect consumers from food poisoning. And many of these laws require certain actions on the part of the those who believe that they have suffered from food poisoning. It is important to understand that our food poisoning attorneys in Jacksonville must file a food poisoning lawsuit within a certain period of time. If we do not file your lawsuit within the timeframe stated in the statute of limitations, the court will not hear your case regardless of how strong your claims are.

Our food poisoning attorneys in Jacksonville are very familiar with these laws and will guide you through the important steps you must take to prove your case and hold those responsible for your illness accountable. Contact us as soon as possible to review your case. Our initial consultations and representation require no out of pocket costs to you. We only get paid if we win your case.


There are many aspects to the laws that were created to protect consumers from food poisoning. And many of these laws require certain actions on the part of the those who believe that they have suffered from food poisoning. It is important to understand that our food poisoning attorneys must file a food poisoning lawsuit within a certain period of time. If we do not file your lawsuit within the timeframe stated in the statute of limitations, the court will not hear your case regardless of how strong your claims are.

Our food poisoning attorneys in Jacksonville are very familiar with these laws and will guide you through the important steps you must take to prove your case and hold those responsible for your illness accountable. Contact us as soon as possible to review your case. Our initial consultations and representation require no out of pocket costs to you. We only get paid if we win your case.

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Top Trial Lawyers in America

Member of the Million Dollar and Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum



The lawyers of McGRATH GIBSON LAW are licensed to practice in the states of Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina. Additionally, we represent the injured throughout the United States pro hoc vice, and with the help of local counsel. While we strive to personally handle all types of personal injury and wrongful death claims there are occasions where cases may be referred to another lawyer.

We also support our veterans by proudly providing representation for Military Veterans and the Men and Women who currently serve in our armed forces at the Mayport Naval Station, Naval Air Station of Jacksonville, Camp Blanding, United States Army, Army Reserve, United States Marines, Florida National Guard, Air National Guard, United States Coast Guard, Air Force, and Air Force Reserve. McGRATH GIBSON LAW family law attorneys offer representation in the areas of Family Law, Divorce, Alimony, Child Custody and Child Support throughout Florida. Representation for Military Divorce handled throughout the United States and U.S. Territories independently or with local counsel where required.

The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. This website is not intended to be an advertisement or solicitation. Material contained in the McGRATH GIBSON LAW website is for general information only and does not constitute legal advice or solicitation of legal services. Transmission of information from this website is not intended to create, and its receipt does not constitute an attorney-client relationship between the law firm of McGRATH GIBSON LAW and the reader. In the event that any information on this website does not conform fully with regulations in any jurisdiction, this law firm will not accept representation based on that information.

Information contained herein is the exclusive property of McGRATH GIBSON LAW and may not be copied, reproduced retransmitted or otherwise utilized for any purpose without the express written consent of McGRATH GIBSON LAW.



The lawyers of McGRATH GIBSON are licensed to practice in the states of Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina. Additionally, we represent the injured throughout the United States pro hoc vice, and with the help of local counsel. While we strive to personally handle all types of personal injury and wrongful death claims there are occasions where cases may be referred to another lawyer.

We also support our veterans by proudly providing representation for Military Veterans and the Men and Women who currently serve in our armed forces at the Mayport Naval Station, Naval Air Station of Jacksonville, Camp Blanding, United States Army, Army Reserve, United States Marines, Florida National Guard, Air National Guard, United States Coast Guard, Air Force, and Air Force Reserve. McGRATH GIBSON family law attorneys offer representation in the areas of Family Law, Divorce, Alimony, Child Custody and Child Support throughout Florida. Representation for Military Divorce handled throughout the United States and U.S. Territories independently or with local counsel where required.

The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. This website is not intended to be an advertisement or solicitation. Material contained in the McGRATH GIBSON website is for general information only and does not constitute legal advice or solicitation of legal services. Transmission of information from this website is not intended to create, and its receipt does not constitute an attorney-client relationship between the law firm of McGRATH GIBSON and the reader. In the event that any information on this website does not conform fully with regulations in any jurisdiction, this law firm will not accept representation based on that information.

Information contained herein is the exclusive property of McGRATH GIBSON and may not be copied, reproduced retransmitted or otherwise utilized for any purpose without the express written consent of McGRATH GIBSON.

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(904) 358-3300

Calls Answered 24 Hours a Day, Every Day.
Office Hours: M-F 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

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Jacksonville, FL 32211

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